Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blog #1

Today is the first day for the class "Art, Literature, & Ideas." I think there are only 7 students in the class, which is slightly ridiculous. I wonder how the school even let that happen. I really have no idea what exactly I'm supposed to be doing at the moment, so I'll just continue to ramble pointlessly. It snowed yesterday...that was fun. Not really though. I had to scrape the ice off my car and it was rather cold. And today I'm following a new schedule for school and unfortunately I do not have a study hall before my chem test.

Am I supposed to be writing something about this class? It seems like it will be fun. The title of the elective is interesting and the teachers seem nice. With a class this small, it will be exceptionally fun. Ok those are my thoughts.....

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to the course with you as a contributor. The small size reminds me of seminar-style classes I had in graduate school. I feared them initially, but they became my favorite because of the informality they invited. I think this course will be fun and very informative. Remember that you will walk away with whatever you get out of the experience. We will not be telling you what you have to learn. We will simply be exposing you to various narratives.
