Friday, March 13, 2009

What's Inappropriate?

I think it's silly how classes in school try to shield us from bad words and bad images: it's nothing we haven't already heard or seen in the knuckle. Furthermore, since these things do exist, it's not like we're never going to encounter them and school is doing us a favor. Seriously, I think that by high school age, we're all aware of the realities of the world. We aren't stupid, so school shouldn't treat us like we are.
And why is it considered ok for us to read "Like Water For Chocolate" and "How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents" if we aren't even allowed to watch a segment of an R rated film (even if the segment we watch contains nothing R rated) in history classes. I remember my 9th grade Social Studies teacher being really mad because the school wouldn't let him show us a segment of the film Braveheart. I wonder if the reason schools allow us to read "inappropriate" texts as opposed to watching "inappropriate" movies has something to do with the ability to interpret them. Perhaps teachers assume that images are straightforward, whereas texts require interpreting. If this is the case, the teachers are wrong. Universally, images are easier to understand than is the school so extremely proud of its accomplishments in educating us that it thinks us above learning through images? It's quite a puzzle.

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